If you have been an avid fan of my writing – which I am sure you have been – you are well aware that I am a bit of a fangirl regarding the always-controversial Elon Musk. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a visionary with a sense of humor.
I only ever understand probably half of his memes. So while part of me would love to meet him someday, I also fear he would find me insufferably dull, given the fact that my intellect is nowhere near the same caliber as his. Still, it doesn’t keep me from following all the news I can regarding Mr. Musk, which unfortunately tends to be focused on his recent acquisition and subsequent liberation of the bluebird.
I dive deeper with my tracking of Elon as I regularly troll the career pages of his numerous other ventures, hoping he’ll post the need for a sarcastic writer in one of his many companies.
While following up on some recent news with his Neuralink company, I asked myself, how did the once-pedestaled genius of the left become one of the most hated men of the Democratic Party?
So inspiring to see the newfound love of freedom of speech by the press 🥰
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 16, 2022
RELATED: Never Trumper Compares Musk’s Free Speech Push to Infamous Nazi Joseph Goebbels
Busy, Busy Bee
I’m fascinated by people who seem to suck the marrow out of every minute of every day, which probably partly explains my love of all things Elon. This man is involved in much more than just Twitter, and it’s hard to imagine he lives in the same world we do, as there isn’t enough time in the day to do the things he does.
Below is a list of some of his current ventures:
- Neuralink
- The Boring Company
- Open AI
- The Musk Foundation
- SpaceX
- Starlink
- Tesla
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I can barely keep up with balancing being a mother, wife, and writer, let alone managing my side project as a podcaster. Yet, each of these ventures has exciting goals for improving the world.
Neuralink is meant to help the disabled walk and speak. The Boring Company aims to eliminate, as Elon calls it, “soul-destroying traffic.”
Open AI is a research and development firm to explore using Artificial Intelligence for the benefit of humanity. And, of course, we should all be familiar with SpaceX’s reusable rockets that will one day help us expand outside our orbit, making the human species multi-planetary.
He’s basically Da Vinci and the character from the terrible Star Trek movie First Contact who propelled humanity into the age of space travel. So, what’s the left’s issue with Elon?
Elon Musk:
– Bans violent accounts on Twitter
– Bans child pornogrophy on Twitter
– Bans sex trafficking on Twitter
– Bans domestic terrorism on Twitter
– Bans real-time doxxing of locations on Twitter (due to threats against children)Media:
– Elon is making Twitter unsafe!
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) December 16, 2022
RELATED: Former CIA, FBI Spooks Found Jobs at Twitter, Doing What They Do Best
Didn’t Anybody Tell Him?
Business and politics tend not to go well together, at least successful business. Politics is all about virtue signaling and following a prepared script.
Being a successful businessman means you believe in efficiencies and innovation, not concepts looked highly upon in the beltway. Tesla used to be the left’s pride and joy; even Congresswoman and fellow Elon fangirl Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez owned a Tesla on her paltry congressional salary.
But the fact that Tesla doesn’t run on labor unions contradicts what the left wing of our country prefers, which is probably why Tesla wasn’t invited to the White House event recently on Electric Vehicles.
And while everyone loved and applauded Elon’s gift of Starlink to Ukraine, which no doubt helped keep them in the fight during the early days, the story changed when Mr. Musk dared to voice an opinion on the conflict. Nobody told him that talking about negotiated peace makes you a Putin sympathizer.
The cherry on top of the fall of the progressive left’s angel was Elon’s push to make Twitter a free speech haven where citizens could debate various subjects pertinent to the world openly. So who does this guy think he is, anyway, some idealistic well-wisher?
Elon Musk Receives Experimental Neuralink Implant In Attempt To Delete Memory Of Being Booed https://t.co/iL39zKCkQZ pic.twitter.com/ibkkLxerEr
— The Onion (@TheOnion) December 13, 2022
RELATED: Elon Musk: Twitter Files Prove Censorship Was ‘Enforced Against the Right But Not Against the Left
A Burdened Mind
History has always had its tortured geniuses, men who, throughout time, could see into the future and dared to try to bring the rest of the world with them. Often these men were imprisoned and martyred for their efforts.
Recently Elon Musk announced that his Neuralink chip is expected to start human clinical trials in six months. This chip will more than likely eventually lead to life-changing benefits for the disabled and possible treatments for Parkinson’s, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.
Suppose the government can manage to get out of the way. In that case, the advancements in electric automaking, thanks to Tesla, will eventually have the majority of the planet driving electric vehicles. In addition, SpaceX will no doubt help shape how we travel and will help us expand our footprint on Mars providing advancements for humanity one can only dream of.
Starlink and Open AI will help areas of our world receive information otherwise hidden from them and allow other visionaries to help transform our world for the better. But, unfortunately, I fear history will not be too kind to Elon, even though he might change our future for the better every day.
Cancel culture needs to be canceled!!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 30, 2022
Men like Elon Musk have to have a type of intrinsic motivation that comes from a feeling as if they’ve been called for something greater than their time.
For all intents and purposes, Elon Musk should still very much be a hero to liberals.
He is deeply concerned about the future of humanity, including climate change, which was one of the more significant pushes for his creation of Tesla and SpaceX. Still, because he won’t follow the left-wing script word for word and wields influence greater than they prefer, he will now forever have a target on his back.
Elon Musk once said:
“I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.”
What a fabulous sentiment. But that’s not what the left wants you to believe; they want you to think that you can’t be extraordinary without their help and blessing.
Thankfully, this is still the good ole U.S. of A, and as Elon put it:
“I’m nauseatingly pro-American. I would have come here from any country. The U.S. is where great things are possible.”
Indeed, and thank God you are here, Elon, keep doing great things.
.@Twitter @Tesla @SpaceX , and all of @elonmusk ‘s holdings are all extremely exposed to his toxicity. It’s just a matter of time before he drags those assets down. Advertisers, investors, stockholders, etc. must be getting very nervous.
— Alexander S. Vindman (@AVindman) December 11, 2022
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