A video has surfaced of Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine, who transitioned in 2011, calling for censorship from Big Tech companies for those who oppose “gender-affirming care” for children.
The comments were made in May, but the video was newly shared on social media during the Christmas break.
Levine expressed an opinion that censoring alleged “misinformation” about health matters needs to go beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, going on to delve into the need for the federal government to “address health misinformation directly.”
“So I’d like to just talk briefly about another area of substantial misinformation that is directly impacting health equity in our nation, and that is the health equity of sexual and gender minorities,” said Levine. “There is substantial misinformation about gender-affirming care for transgender and gender diverse individuals.”
The Biden official then suggested ending the dispute.
“We need to use our clinicians’ voice to collectively advocate for our tech companies to create a healthier, cleaner information environment,” Levine told viewers in an address to the Federation of State Medical Boards in New Orleans.
Admiral Rachel Levine calls for tech companies to censor all gender related so-called “misinformation” to protect the “health equity of sexual and gender minorities.” pic.twitter.com/ZGZyniumCc
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) December 26, 2022
RELATED: Trump: Democrats Must ‘Have Something Really Big’ On Mitch McConnell
Rachel Levine Wants Opposition to ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ For Kids Shut Down
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First off, the use of the words “sexual” and “minorities” in the same sentence should be cause for alarm. Verbalizing such a concept should be considered child abuse.
The fact that it comes from a 65-year-old public official entrusted with doling out health information makes it that much worse.
Activist Matt Walsh has accurately described the forcing of gender ideology concepts on young children as “one of the greatest evils in human history.”
He has also called out social media companies censoring opposition to what Levine is advocating for.
“The medical establishment, Big Tech, and the federal government conspire to punish those of us who criticize the accepted narrative,” Walsh said.
“This is full-on tyranny, and it will of course be defended by every single leftist who spends every day whining about ‘fascism,’” he continued.
I believe that gender ideology is one of the greatest evils in human history. There is nothing they can threaten that would make me back down from this fight. I’d rather be dead than surrender to this madness. It’s as simple as that for me.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) October 3, 2022
Levine Skewered For the Comments
HHS Assistant Secretary Levine was criticized heavily for the comments she made pushing for censorship of those opposed to “gender-affirming care” for children.
“When fascism comes to America, it will be under the guises of Health and Safety,” replied American Conservative senior editor Rod Dreher.
When fascism comes to America, it will be under the guises of Health and Safety. https://t.co/1MiygL4AZp
— Rod Dreher (@roddreher) December 26, 2022
Claremont Institute Lincoln fellow Terry Schilling suggested the comments were communism on steroids.
“Even the communists didn’t promote evil like this. They at least lied to make themselves look more competent,” he wrote.
Even the communists didn’t promote evil like this. They at least lied to make themselves look more competent. This is something different.
They are still in the destruction phase of this nation. They know the opposition is strong and that’s why it needs to be shut down. https://t.co/iOKJSdvXgJ
— Terry Schilling 🇺🇸 (@Schilling1776) December 26, 2022
Several critics cracked off jokes about “Big Brother” keeping an eye on you.
Big “enter appropriate pronoun” is Watching You!
— BX (@BXM211) December 26, 2022
‘Big Brother’ is so much stranger than we feared. 🤨🤡
— IronHeaver (@IronHeaver) December 26, 2022
Somehow, I thought that “Big Brother” would look different.
— Ack-Intergalactic Interlocutor (@Ackattackack) December 26, 2022
Even more compelling were those who countered the notion that there is nothing to debate when it comes to the supposed benefits of pressuring children into undertaking “gender-affirming care.”
“The positive value of gender-affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical dispute,” Levine argued.
But, as Harvard Medical School professor Marc Garnick states, “Woefully little safety data are available for the likely more vulnerable younger population.”
“The positive value of gender affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical dispute”
Amazing to see this straight up lie. Leading academics on puberty blockers have said there is “Woefully little safety data…for the…vulnerable younger population” pic.twitter.com/5UJ1smswa5
— The Leopard In The Basement Is A Sensible Name (@tlitb) December 26, 2022
In another recently resurfaced video, Levine told teachers that they need to be advocates and “truth-tellers” when it comes to advocating for the so-called benefits of “gender-affirming care.”
9/22/22 Pitt Pediatric Grand Rounds: @SecretaryLevine tells MD’s they need to be activists for medical transgender care in minors.
“I believe in our role as truth-tellers. And the truth that we need to confront now is that medicine and science are being politically perverted.” pic.twitter.com/FbBFK450WR
— Megan Brock (@MegEBrock) December 4, 2022
As the ‘Twitter Files’ scandal has revealed, the Biden administration has been involved extensively in censoring medical and health information from the public.
It’s a level of propaganda not seen in nearly 100 years.